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The indicator can be configured in Google

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 6:18 am
by whatappnumber12
The indicator is displayed in the advertising offices and the professional panel in social networks. Display frequency Impression frequency is related to the " reach " metric and reflects how many times a single ad was viewed by a unique user. Ads and Ads Manager. The optimal frequency of impressions is estimated depending on the goals of advertising. For example, if the goal is to introduce the target audience to a new brand or product, the number of impressions should be enough for memorization, but not to bore the user - 2-3 impressions per day.

Cliques Shows how many times a person clicked on an ad. The click is Bahamas Email List in the statistics, even if there was no visit to the site/page - for example, the user mistakenly clicked on the link and immediately canceled the action. CTR is the click-through rate CTR reflects the ratio of the total number of clicks on an ad to its impressions. One of the most important indicators of the performance analysis of RK, because it allows you to understand which creatives attract more users, how much advertising meets the audience's requests and whether it is configured correctly.


Determination formula: number of clicks / number of impressions * 100%. For example, you ran 2 creatives, both received 10 conversions, but the first one was shown to users 100 times and the other had 200 impressions. Thus, the CTR of the first ad is 10%, the second is 5%. So, the first creative is more suitable for the CA request. You can monitor the indicator in Google Ads, Ads Manager. Clickability in contextual and targeted advertising is primarily influenced by the quality of ads: relevance of headlines, attractiveness of the image, presence of CTA.