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Leverage The 手机号码列表 Power Of Reverse Psychology

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 5:21 am
by sanjoy
So how fast for a website? Google said in 2018 that mobile pages should display content to users in less than three seconds and that the TTFB (Time to First Byte) should be less than 1.3 seconds . They also 手机号码列表 said that the total size of a mobile webpage should be less than 500 kB. However, Google's John Mueller said a few months ago that TTFB was not used for search ranking purposes, so take those guidelines with a grain of salt. google ranking factors 11 john muller google 10 google ranking factors you should not ignore What is the real impact of 手机号码列表 website speed on Google rankings? If you're concerned about page speed , check out the speed report in Google Search Console. This shows pages that load slowly on desktops and mobile phones. 12 google ranking factors google search console speed 10 google ranking factors you should not ignore Note: The SGC speed report is currently an experimental report.

Take its recommendations with caution and verify the data. WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO DO: Make sure your pages load fast enough for your website 手机号码列表 users. Score 90+ on Google PageSpeed Insights Mobile & Desktop Get a fast site on Google Page Speed HTTPS: Security first HTTPS improves visitor security by encrypting data between the browser and the server. In 2014, Google announced that HTTPS is a very light signal affecting less than 1% of global requests. Since then, Google has stepped up its commitment to 手机号码列表 HTTPS and now shows an “Not Secure” warning in Chrome when you visit an unencrypted page. If you have insecure pages with input fields, you may also have received a warning email from Google Search Console. Despite all of this, HTTPS is still a lightweight ranking factor, as confirmed by John Mueller in early 2019. google ranking factors 13 john muller https 10 google 手机号码列表 ranking factors you should not ignore The reason we mention it is because it's a quick and easy win.

WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO DO: Install an SSL certificate to make your site more secure. You can get one for free from LetsEncrypt . Responsive: Ease of use on Smartphone Nearly two-thirds of searches happen on mobile, so it's no surprise that Google made usability a 手机号码列表 ranking factor for mobile searches in 2015. 14 google ranking factors make it easier to use 10 Google ranking factors you shouldn't ignore Later, in July 2019, when Google switched to mobile indexing , it made it a ranking criteria for desktop searches as well.