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Seo Prices Are Employee Contact List Cheaper Than Sea

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:45 am
by sanjoy
SEO is the most profitable way: how is that? Before talking specifically about SEO, it must be said that since the arrival of digital marketing, we have already realized that investing in digital marketing actions (online) is by far less expensive than doing offline marketing. . Moreover, in France, 6 out of 10 companies have embarked on a employee contact list digital marketing transformation . This remains true and applies to the methodology of Google website optimization. SEO costs considerably less , while mitigating the same and sometimes even better results . Thanks to digital, we can reach the customer where he is, we will even have the possibility of opening up to the whole world, without limits! We will now examine the profitability of SEO in depth in this section, and see what makes SEO the most profitable web employee contact list marketing lever ! how is it that the acquisitions and conversions generated by natural referencing strategies cover the investments made over the long term?

Natural referencing generates qualified traffic Unlike any other digital marketing practice, natural referencing works from an inbound marketing perspective: This is what consists in bringing the customer to you rather than going to get him (Outbound marketing is the way in which we are going to seek customers to be: invading the employee contact list customer with a lot of advertisements, which sometimes does not even interest him!) And at this time when the major population from all over the world, without restriction, prioritizes search engines to find information, or meet any need, we find that the search that is triggered by the insertion of a few words- keys on the Google search engine, or what is called query, brings the Internet user exactly to the result he needed or expected to find to meet his need. According to an American employee contact list research ( advanced web ranking's click-through rate study ), it turned out that placing in 1st position really brings back 37.9% against 18.47% by placing in 2nd position , for the same request launched by Internet users . We can therefore affirm that research based on keywords only brings in highly qualified traffic, and deduces from this the interest of positioning ourselves on a set of keywords that clearly define our profession, in order to appear in front of the Internet user a time he googles us. is seo profitable natural vs paying Is natural referencing profitable? This is the traffic of an e-commerce website measured over 6 months, traffic coming from SEO and SEA (Adwords).

We see here that with the same volume of traffic, SEO generates 5 times employee contact list more conversions than paid traffic. We also notice that users coming from SEO consult more pages (4.98 against 1.82 for SEA), therefore an engagement of almost 3 times better with SEO than with SEA. SEO prices are cheaper than SEA Although these two webmarketing acquisition levers are strongly complementary, it must be admitted that the costs of paid referencing are much higher than those of organic SEO ! In addition to the price difference, the traffic generated by paid employee contact list referencing is highly proportional to the budget of the Ads campaign in question. In other words, once you no longer pay Google, you will immediately notice a stoppage not only in terms of positioning but also in terms of traffic: no more visits will be recorded if your site is not SEO friendly. Just like any other marketing action, the more you pay, the faster you get results. But is it profitable or not? that is the question!