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Use Your E-commerce Blog To Industry Mailing List Educate Or Train Your Future Customers

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:31 am
by sanjoy
Also, we've only tried this on iPhone, so we haven't tested this on Android devices. It's logic. You came back to the search results (SERPs), which probably means you didn't find what you industry mailing list were looking for. So Google offers related searches to help you. This proves that Google monitors so-called "pogo-sticking" (at least on mobile devices). And if they're monitoring that, chances are they're also monitoring dwell time. But, before you get too carried away, let me clarify one thing: This still doesn't prove that dwell time is a Google ranking factor. It only proves that Google monitors it to improve user experience. However, there is no reason to believe that this data can also be used to influence rankings in search results. (Potential) Caveats Regarding Dwell Time as a Ranking Factor So the idea of Google using dwell time as a industry mailing list ranking factor seems quite logical and likely enough, right? Well, as the counter-proverb goes: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is Here are some potential issues with using dwell time as a google search ranking factor : This does not work well for simple questions Take for example the question "when did robot wars stop airing?" » (in English of course) dwell time queries questions 1 Dwell Time: Is it a ranking factor? should we care? At the time of writing this does not give direct results.

You must therefore click on one of the results to find the answer. If you click on the top result (from Wikipedia), you find the answer in the first sentence. dwell time queries questions 2 Dwell Time: Is it a ranking factor? should we care? As the answer industry mailing list was quick to find, you will most likely come back to the SERPs after a few seconds. The dwell time will therefore be quite low for this request, on average – probably less than 10 seconds. But, that doesn't equate to a bad user experience; you found the information you were looking for (and more) in seconds. Which should not penalize the Wikipedia page. Here's what Eric Enge had to say on the subject: There are many scenarios where a shorter dwell time is an indication of quality. For example, whenever someone searches for quick reference information, such as a zip code or phone number for a industry mailing list business. For such information searches, you want to design your pages in such a way that users find what they want almost immediately. – Eric Enge , founder of Stone Temple Consulting Thus, in this example, a short dwell time does not correspond to a negative experience. Result #1 is the best and most relevant for this query.

It does not work well for “AFA” pages (False Featured Content) “AFA” results are those that, at first glance, seem to offer exactly what you were looking for. But, after a closer examination (which takes time and increases the dwell time), you realize that the page you have opened does not correspond at all to what you are looking for. Example : I was recently looking for a Google Sheets template that could capture Google search results. I searched for "google results scraper google sheets" and clicked on the top result, which was this industry mailing list page from SEERInteractive . dwell time accidental fake advertisements Dwell Time: Is it a ranking factor? should we care? At first glance, it seemed perfect. dwell time accidental fake ads 2 Dwell Time: Is it a ranking factor? should we care? I clicked on the included Google Sheets template (which opened in a new tab, so I never left SEER's site), made a copy, and tried it out. But, after a few minutes, I realized that the spreadsheet was not working anymore and it was giving an error. dwell time accidental fake ads 3 0 Dwell Time: Is it a ranking factor? should we care?