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Dwell Time: Is it a special leads ranking factor? should we care?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:28 am
by sanjoy
Even though that number has increased tenfold since then (which it probably isn't), only 10% of websites still have GA installed. Would Google really be able to decipher anything really useful by special leads analyzing the bounce rate of just 1/10th of the world's websites? Maybe, but I think the data would be mostly useless; GA is often installed incorrectly: Anyone who has ever done an SEO audit knows how important it is to check that GA is not installed incorrectly. This is a common problem that can often lead to increased bounce rates . This would be inaccurate data for special leads Google; Ad blockers often block GA code: An estimated 30% of web users have an ad blocker installed and almost all of these blockers are blacklisted by by default . They also block all attempts made by the Google Analytics JavaScript library .

If Google secretly used the GA code, it would be about ⅓ incomplete. So even if Google was secretly special leads analyzing GA's bounce rate data, chances are it won't be very helpful. This is why dwell time (potentially) is more important than bounce rate as a google ranking criterion – dwell time data is easier to collect, especially for Google. Here's why : Suppose you do a Google search for "iPhone 11 test". dwell time iphone11 Dwell Time: Is it a ranking factor? should we care? When you click on a result, Google could launch a sort of virtual timer. And when you come back to the SERPs, they would shut it down. Now they special leads know exactly how long you spent on this site (aka your dwell time). And if you're wondering how Google will know when you're back in search results,” here are two ideas: Chrome browser data: According to the latest figures from W3Schools, 72.4% of people now use Chrome. Chrome is Google's browser, so they probably know when you hit the "back" button and get back to the SERPs. “Next click” analysis: If you return to the SERPs, it will probably only take you a few seconds to click on another result.

Google could wait for this click and thus decipher an approximate dwell time for your previous click. It is therefore clear that with a special leads little data mining, Google could discover interesting data by analyzing the dwell time. This is something that Google is actively tracking…right now! Try this: Open Safari on your iPhone and Google the phrase “link building strategies”. You should get this result from Moz (it should be in the top 3): dwell time related searches 1 Dwell Time: Is it a ranking factor? should we care? Wait for the page to load completely, then press your browser's "back" button. Did you notice something? Google has now added a special leads drop-down list of related searches below the result you clicked on. dwell time related research Dwell Time: Is it a ranking factor? should we care? NOTE: If this doesn't work for you, try clicking another result on the first page - this seems to work for most.