A Brief History Special Email List Of Dwell Time

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A Brief History Special Email List Of Dwell Time

Post by sanjoy »

These people may have returned to the SERPs or simply closed the page. It doesn't matter which one. It also doesn't matter whether they stayed for 2 seconds or 2 hours, it's always a “rebound”. Time on special email list Page: The time a visitor spent on your page before going elsewhere. It could be a return to the SERPs, another page on your website, a bookmarked page anywhere. It's also worth noting that time on page and bounce rate special email list can be seen in Google Analytics: dwell time analytics bounce rate Dwell Time: Is it a ranking factor? should we care? You will not find any such measurement for dwell time. If Google uses any form of dwell time measurement as a ranking factor, it does not share that measurement (or any of the data) with us. Is Dwell Time a Google Ranking Factor? At this time there is no official statement from Google on whether dwell time is (or is not) a ranking factor. But, at the end of 2017, the head special email list of Google Brain , Nick Frost, said this during a conference: Google now incorporates machine learning into the process of determining the relationship between a search and the best page for that search.

So, learning patterns focus on when someone clicks on a page and stays on that page, when they return to it, or when they try to understand exactly that relationship. – Nick Frost , Head of Google Brain Yes, this seems to support the idea that dwell time is a ranking factor. But, as Cyrus Shepard pointed out on Twitter , that's not quite the case. cyrus shepard tweet Dwell Time: Is it a ranking factor? should we care? Google special email list Brain is an artificial intelligence research project from Google. They don't do the ranking algorithm. And so, this does not confirm that dwell time is a ranking factor. But this certainly suggests the idea that Google is working on this parameter to integrate it into its algorithm soon. It's also worth remembering that most people never click past the first page of search results . So, if you rank on the second page (or higher), hardly anyone will linger on your page… not even for the second. This means that dwell time would only be a (possible) ranking factor for top ten results. In summary ? Unless you're already on the special email list first page, don't worry about dwell time optimization. It's better to spend your time optimizing other (more important) factors that will get you into the top 10. But, for those who are already on the front page, here are 3 reasons why dwell time can make sense as a ranking factor: Not visible enough in the natural results of Google? be visible on Google This is a good indicator of relevance (user intent) Consider the search term “paleo diet for beginners”. dwell time user intent 1 Dwell Time: Is it a ranking factor? should we care? Anyone looking to find this is clearly a newbie to paleo diets.

They are looking for a beginners guide. At position #1 (at the time of writing this post), we have exactly this: a beginner's guide to NerdFitness : dwell time user intent 2 Dwell Time: Is it a ranking factor? should we care? If you've read this guide before, you'll see how comprehensive it is. It covers almost everything you'll want to know about the paleo diet on one page. It is also well written and well presented. dwell time special email list user intent 3 Dwell Time: Is it a ranking factor? should we care? Basically, it caters perfectly to the intent of internet users. Most people would surely spend more than 15 minutes reading this document before (perhaps) returning to the SERPs. Instead, let's look at this page (ranking #6 for the same query, at the time of writing). dwell time user intent 4 Dwell Time: Is it a ranking factor? should we care? It doesn't take long to realize that it's nowhere near as good as NerdFitness' guide. Here are some issues on this page.
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