Analyze for the following: Do they use headers

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Analyze for the following: Do they use headers

Post by egyptmailing33 »

Readability Make a note if competitor posts tend to include grammar or spelling errors. Beyond that, you want to assess the post structure and complexity of the writing. ? Do they use tables of contents? Are the articles visually easy to read and skim to find information? What is the difficulty level of their writing? Is it appropriate for your target audience? (You can use tools like Clearscope, Hemingway Editor, or Readable to get the reading level of a piece.) Clearscope outline feature for the keyword “best email marketing services.” Tip: When writing new content pieces, you can use Clearscope’s Outline tab in the editor to extract headings from the top-ranked pieces for your target keyword.

Tone Tone refers to how a writer Mauritania Email List addresses the reader and talks about the subject. It can create a personality for brands. Here’s what to look for in your competitor’s writing: Do they use humor? If so, how? How would you describe their tone? Casual vs. formal Friendly vs. professional Respectful vs. irreverent Do they write in first, second, or third person? How would you describe the tone and voice of their calls to action (CTAs)? 5. Note their SEO metrics and strategy Finally, you want to look at SEO performance and strategy. Analyze key SEO metrics You can use an SEO competitor analysis tools like Semrush or Ahrefs to get an overview of your competitors’ core SEO metrics, such as: Backlinks Core Web Vitals Domain authority Average time on site Number of top ten keywords Monthly organic search traffic Ahrefs Site Explorer results for teespring.


com (image source). Note which competitors perform the best in given metrics. This will give you some benchmarks to aim for in your own performance. You can search your competitors’ websites on Google’s Page Speed Insights tool to see their performance on Core Web Vitals. The Core Web Vitals report shows the big-picture strengths or weaknesses of a domain’s technical SEO by measuring the website’s user experience based on real-world data. Knowing how your competitors perform gives you a performance baseline to try to meet or exceed. Look at competitors’ SEO strategies How well does each competitor optimize for search? In this step, you want to look qualitatively at their on-site content for SEO signals.
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