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Spotlight on whatsapp number database Natural SEO

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2022 4:50 am
by sanjoykumar
This team is my greatest personal pride. This culture and this mindset are the culmination of several years of work which has borne fruit. Being surrounded by such a wonderful team gives me a lot of emotions… We faced a lot of challenges in 2021 and we turned the situation in our favor… Thank you team, I love you!. In 2022 we are not going to let go! And we will go even further! A new identity Mid-2021, we spent a few weeks thinking about a whatsapp number database new image for Aurone, creating a new logo and a new slogan that better reflects our identity and fits better with what we like to do. We have therefore modified our logo with a more modern logo, more assertive colors, and above all, a logo that reflects what we like to do: Help our customers, thanks to the web, to get their business off the ground! Aurone logo 440 Bye bye 2021, close the door when leaving please...

The redesign of our website With a new identity, the redesign of the website was essential! It's done ! To start the new year 2022, we have refined a new website, which is online and which you are reading now! This new website reflects the accumulated years of experience in this area. After starting with a Joomla site in 2007, we switched to whatsapp number database Drupal in 2017 , and now in 2022 we have moved to WordPress ! new site aurone wordpress Bye bye 2021, close the door when leaving please... SEE WEBSITE A 100% agile organization For a few years, we had adopted a “hybrid” project management system which is halfway between “traditional” project management and management according to the “Agile” method . Today, to propel the team to a higher level of mastery, we need to make a more radical change in project management. The goal is to provide our customers with an ever more efficient service and an ever more pleasant experience. In 2022, we will train the WHOLE team in Agile Scrum management . We will organize ourselves in such a way to exploit whatsapp number database this method to its maximum, and provide our customers with the best of the web.

In parallel, a business structuring plan will begin in 2022, with a necessary and ambitious plan over 3 years, so that Aurone can exploit its full potential and allow its future growth into a large-scale company. Also, the purpose of this structuring is to allow the team to work calmly in a more structured and organized environment. agile scrum 2022 aurone Bye bye 2021, close the door when you leave please... Free up our teams even more In 2021, I read a series of books that talk about team management, including “Liberté & Cie” by Isaac Getz or “The Business of Happiness” by Tony Hsieh , but I was particularly struck and fascinated by the whatsapp number database book “The rule? No rules!” by Netflix founder Reed Hastings . Netflix's experience in terms of team management and corporate culture is exceptional and breaks all established codes. Which explains why Netflix has been able to adapt and revolutionize its industry.