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5 essential steps to email database launch your data project

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2022 4:22 am
by sanjoykumar
Just like advertisements, measurement devices are therefore email database almost systematically blocked, except on applications developed natively. Most web browsers have ad-blocking and privacy-focused features, with some enabled by default. Google Chrome's ad blocking features are touted as a way to put publishers back in control and improve user experience. However, this new high-profile device could sign the email database death warrant of most anti-ad extensions, allowing the tech giant to consolidate its hold on the types of advertisements it wants to put forward. How to maintain a minimum audience measurement when ad blockers are activated? The best way to know if an ad blocker is being used is to install AT Internet's Adblock detector .

Reserved for AT Internet customers, this plugin allows you to detect visits to the site likely to disable AT Internet requests because of an ad blocker: a basic implementation is enough to email database quantify the use of ad blockers and assess their repercussions on data collection. There are techniques to circumvent the problem of ad blockers, especially when email database implementing a digital analytics solution (for example, renaming JavaScript files, choosing not to use a content delivery network or CDN, or even using neutral names rather than the brand name). AT Internet's Custom Domain Data Collection (CDDC ) feature sends data directly through your own domain name (not AT Internet's) to email database prevent tracking scripts from being disabled. It thus makes it possible to recover part of the blocked traffic. Some of our customers are seeing results with up to 20% of their traffic recovered from CDDC.

Why is the CDDC method compliant with the regulations? The CDDC method proposed is fully compliant with the GDPR because AT Internet only acts as a email database subcontractor to provide the analytics methods and ensure the processing of audience measurement data only after obtaining the user's consent. . However, the blocking lists on which adblocking tools are based are not legal or mandatory insofar as the lawfulness of audience measurement processing is based on the principle of the Internet user's consent. It should also be email database noted that AT Internet is not a provider of services directly related to digital advertising. It has no specific purpose on the data collected, which is never shared with third parties. This collected data is the sole property of our customers.