Why You May Have A Email Database Bad Bounce Rate

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Why You May Have A Email Database Bad Bounce Rate

Post by sanjoykumar »

This is completely normal, because a title can easily be changed. If we update the post and add a twelfth step, we can easily change the title of the page and end up with a different URL and title. So you will need to email database create a new URL and redirect to the new URL each time you change the number of items in the article to keep it updated. Redirecting a page is usually not very complicated to do and CMS like WordPress, Drupal or PrestaShop do it automatically when you change the Slug. However, it's easy to forget to update the number in the URL when you email database change things, leading to this kind of issue in search results: difference titre url How to create optimized URLs for SEO? A better solution is to completely remove the digits in the URL.

This way you won't have to update the URL when you make minor changes to the page. So let's remove the number from your potential URL: Start developing an ecommerce site the complete guide 4. Delete unnecessary information Google says it's good to make URLs as simple as possible, and there are probably email database several reasons for this: First, visitors can be intimidated by extremely long URLs. Second, long URLs are often truncated when displaying search results. date in url How to create SEO optimized URLs? So let's remove everything we don't need from our potential URL. Note that you will need to use common sense for this part. The goal is not to make your URL so short that it no longer describes its content well and accurately enough. This is to email database remove unnecessary words and phrases. In our case, it's probably everything that was in the parentheses ("the 11-step guide") Ecommerce website development complete guide 5.

Shorten the URL to a keyword Most titles naturally contain keywords, so you're probably left with a simplified, keyword-rich version of your title at this point. While that might make perfect sense (and feel free to do so if it does), it often won't be succinct enough. As mentioned before, this can lead to email database long URLs that will be truncated in search results. For example, we had a “Slug” with /guide-basique-ecommerce/ . When we updated this post, we added a lot of information. This made the guide "not so basic", and we had to redirect it to a more appropriate "Slug". So the next step is to find the keyword that represents the most popular way to search for your page's topic. To do this, search your potential URL on Google.
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