Google My 购买电子邮件列表 Business Makes You Visible

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Google My 购买电子邮件列表 Business Makes You Visible

Post by sanjoy »

Analyzing current top-ranked results for the “four Cs of search intent” is a great way to understand the basics of optimizing for a query. The four Cs are: Content Style _ “Content style” is the 购买电子邮件列表 dominant content style in search results. These are almost always web pages, but sometimes videos. For example, take the search “iPhone X unboxing”: google ranking factors 02 content style 10 google ranking factors you should not ignore It would be almost impossible to rank a web page on the first page for this search. If you want to rank for this search, you need to 购买电子邮件列表 create and optimize a video. Content Type _ Content types almost always fall into four categories: blog posts, products, categories, and homepages.

For example, the top-ranking pages for “buy a smartphone” are all category pages of e-commerce sites: google ranking factors 03 content type 10 Google ranking factors you should not ignore For "Buy an iPhone", it is mainly product pages 购买电子邮件列表 on e-commerce sites: google ranking factors 04 ecommerce content type 10 Google ranking factors not to ignore C ontent Format The content format mainly applies to information content. Instruction manuals, texts, tutorials, news articles and opinion pieces are all examples of common formats. For example, the results for "money saving tips" are all lists (number of points): google ranking factors 05 content format 10 Google ranking factors you should not ignore The results for “the 购买电子邮件列表 future of bitcoin” are all opinion pieces: Google Ranking Factors 06 Content Form Opinions 10 Google Ranking Factors You Shouldn't Ignore Content Angle _ The angle of the content is the main selling point of the content, and there is usually one dominant angle in the search results.

For example, the top results for “how to play golf” are for beginners: google ranking factors 07 content angle 10 Google ranking factors you should not ignore WHAT'S IMPORTANT TO DO: Make an effort to align your 购买电子邮件列表 content with search intent and you'll get a lot more traffic. Content depth Google wants to rank the most useful result for the query , so it's essential to cover everything people want to know. However, it is not about the length of the content. Longer content is not always better. It's about covering what's important for the internet user to get and what they expect to 购买电子邮件列表 see. For example, take a query like “top watch brands”. Analysis of search intent clearly shows that people want lists of the best luxury watches and brands. However, this doesn't tell us what's important in terms of content, so let's look at the commonalities between the most important pages.
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