Natural Referencing Company Employee List Generates Qualified Traffic

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Natural Referencing Company Employee List Generates Qualified Traffic

Post by sanjoy »

SEO is still dominant! Getting started in SEA without having thought of putting a company employee list natural referencing strategy in place is like throwing a sword in the water, as they say: "you can't clap with one hand" Organic Traffic Vs Paid Traffic: The Pros And Cons That Will Help You Decide SEO profitability versus visitor acquisition cost In web marketing, to measure the profitability of the efforts made, it is important to calculate the cost of acquiring the visitor: that is to say, how much did you spend to bring the Internet user to your website? How is the visitor acquisition company employee list cost then calculated ? This is to measure the effectiveness of your investment. To answer your question, we have chosen to base ourselves on an illustrated example of concrete figures: Supposing that we allocated a budget of 1000 euros for an SEO offer and that in the end it brought us 1000 visitors: It's clear: the cost of acquiring a single visitor is equal to 1 euro / visit Now suppose that these 1000 visitors went through the conversion funnel and only 100 of them made a purchase on the site: therefore they converted into customers!

The cost of acquiring a customer is equal to 10 euros / customer Certainly you will now say to yourself: “okay, but this does not in any way affirm that SEO is much more profitable , how should I be convinced company employee list of its effectiveness and profitability in view of other webmarketing levers ? » You are absolutely right, the calculation we have presented to you cannot alone support our assertion, but as we mentioned above, natural referencing is a long-lasting investment ! In other words and more clearly: SEO: you pay, you receive visits -> you stop paying, visits keep coming (even if it will stabilize) SEA: you pay, you have visits -> you stop paying visits stop! It goes without saying The amount of 1000 euros you have spent will continue its effect on the performance of your website, in the long term, which is company employee list not at all the case with SEA, for the same amount paid, the results remain valid on the time frame of your SEA campaign. 10 Google Ranking Factors You Shouldn't Ignore Study of a real case The icing on the cake, we are going to present to you a study of a real case of one of our clients at Aurone, an agency specializing in web creation and natural referencing . According to the screenshots that we have inserted below, we will compare the acquisitions of the two different webmarketing levers to see things from an SEO and SEA point of view.

Last December, we launched a paid referencing campaign (Google Adwords) for one of our clients who recently started an e-commerce site under PrestaShop , here are the results: 4 orders versus 12 orders generated by natural results is seo profitable adwords 0 Is natural referencing profitable? December figures Then company employee list when we stopped the SEA (Adwords) campaign, we noticed that SEO continued to generate sales: 11 orders. On the other hand, the SEA no longer generates any sales! is seo profitable natural Is natural referencing profitable? January figures Are you aiming for profitability at a lower cost and over the long term? Opt for natural referencing as the central lever of your digital marketing actions. To finish ! It is imperative to know how to choose the agency to which you will entrust your website. Because apart from the choice you will make between paid referencing and natural referencing , the two practices require company employee list specialized expertise in the field. We are Aurone, a natural referencing and paid referencing agency , with experience since 2007! The history of SEO has become child's play for our SEO experts. Enough chatter, we let the results speak for us instead!
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