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The Купи е-мејл база на податоци и изгради е-мејл листа брзо limited time offer works wonders

Post by sanjoykumar »

Currently, Google supports four types of markup: products, recipes, videos, and GIFs. It's easy to make sure your images show these badges in Google Image Search. Just add the appropriate structured data markup to the page. Added recipe tags to recipe pages. Add product tags to product pages. Add video tags to Купи е-мејл база на податоци и изгради е-мејл листа брзо pages containing videos. Note that GIFs don't require any additional markup: Google already knows they're GIFs. Of course, if you don't have this type of content on your website, you don't need to worry about structured data markup. It is likely that Google will support badges for these four types of content because it has recognized that its users often search for this type of content in Google Images. 10. Think Lazy-Loading Lazy-Loading consists of the browser postponing the loading of images (or any other object – video, etc.) until it is necessary to display them on the Купи е-мејл база на податоци и изгради е-мејл листа брзо screen.

Concretely, the images are loaded as they should be displayed, that is to say when you scroll down the page. Here 's what Google says about progressive loading: Lazy-Loading can significantly speed up the loading of long pages that have many images below the fold, by loading them either as needed or when the main content has finished loading. Whether progressively loaded images are good or bad for SEO has been the subject of much debate in the past. Google also sent mixed messages . However, the best indication that Google actually recommends lazy-loading is in 2018 with the following message: images seo tricks lazy loading Image SEO: 12 practical tips for more organic traffic This is recommended by Google's PageSpeed ​​Insights tool. Google explains here how to implement progressive loading (in a way Купи е-мејл база на податоци и изгради е-мејл листа брзо that ensures they can see progressively loaded content – ​​very important!) There are several different methods, but they all involve JavaScript. If you're not familiar or comfortable with this sort of thing, it may be worth hiring a professional to help you.

If you use WordPress, there are a few plugins for progressive loading. Most of them have bad reviews. But in our experience, the A3Lazy Load plugin seems to work fine. 11. Use Browser Caching Browser caching allows images (or other files) to be stored in your visitors' browser. The result is that pages load faster for them if they visit your website the following times. For example, when you came to this blog post, you had to download all the images in the post and view them in your browser. Now, without browser caching, this entire process would have to be repeated if you Купи е-мејл база на податоци и изгради е-мејл листа брзо want to re-read this page tomorrow. However, thanks to browser caching, the browser retains some of these images. So when you visit this page again – or a similar one – you don't have to download them all again. Many of them are already on your computer and will therefore load much faster.
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