User Experience 이메일 데이터베이스 구매 및 이메일 목록 작성 Important Google Ranking Factor

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User Experience 이메일 데이터베이스 구매 및 이메일 목록 작성 Important Google Ranking Factor

Post by sanjoykumar »

Use the appropriate option for the batch of images you are optimizing. Here are two reasons why this tool is great: Resizing to Max Width: Let's say your website's max width is 700px. You have a 이메일 데이터베이스 구매 및 이메일 목록 작성 number of images that need to be resized. Some are wider than 700px, others are narrower than 700px. So you don't want to resize (enlarge) the narrower images to 700px, as this will decrease the quality of the image. This tool allows you to keep these images at their original size. It only resizes those that are too wide. Keeps Filenames Intact: You've spent hours naming your images for SEO. You resize them and download the resized versions. You open the .zip file to find image1.png, image2.png. (You'll understand this frustration if you've ever downloaded images from Google Docs).

This tool keeps file names intact so you don't have to rename them after resizing. 5. Reduce the file size of your images Take a look at these two images: images seo tips to reduce image SEO: 12 practical tips for more organic traffic 이메일 데이터베이스 구매 및 이메일 목록 작성 Comparison between two quality levels without impact on the visual rendering Both are JPEG images. There's little noticeable difference in quality between the two, but the first image is 58% smaller than the second (31kb versus 73kb). Google has extensive documentation on optimizing images for the web. The key point to remember when it comes to file sizes is this: For best results, experiment with different quality settings for your images, and don't be afraid to lower the quality . The visual results are often very good and the file size savings can be very significant. Google recommends 이메일 데이터베이스 구매 및 이메일 목록 작성 three open-source tools to help you with this task: Guetzli , MozJPEG (by Mozilla), and pngquant . You can read their guidelines for using these tools here. However, be aware that these are command-line tools.

If you are not comfortable with these tools, Google recommends using ImageOptim , a free tool for Mac. (You can find alternatives for Linux and Windows here ). Just drop in your images, and they will be compressed. images seo imageoptim tips Image SEO: 12 practical tips for more organic traffic a weight saving of 48.2%! You can change the compression level in the 이메일 데이터베이스 구매 및 이메일 목록 작성 settings and even enable lossy compression. It also removes EXIF data by default. This reduces the file size further, but usually not by much. You can use this free web tool (officially recommended by Google) to remove EXIF ​​data if you don't want to use ImageOptim. TIP: Google said in this video that EXIF ​​data in images can be a "ranking factor" in Google Images. For this reason, it may be something you can keep.
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