Web analytics & Ad blockers: how to buy email database preserve measurement?

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Web analytics & Ad blockers: how to buy email database preserve measurement?

Post by sanjoykumar »

We recently interviewed Alexandre Cazaurang, Product Manager at AT Internet on the effects of ad blockers and on AT Internet's solution. What is an ad blocker? Advertising blocking or filtering software, commonly known as “ad blockers”, are plugins or extensions aimed at removing or masking content identified as advertising on a buy email database web browser or application. They come in many forms: standalone programs, custom extensions or services for a browser or operating system. Ad blocking software targets advertisements such as self-playing videos, banner and banner ads, pushdown screens, full-page advertisements, pop-ups and so-called "sticky" advertisements. And they are buy email database used by a large number of Internet users.

In 2018, there were 12.2 million ad blocker users per month in the UK, or 22% of Internet users, compared to 28.7% in France, 32% in Germany and 25.2% in the United States . How do ad blockers work? The software uses buy email database filter rules to hide certain content on a web page. During the loading, the ad blocker compares the scripts of the site with the list of those which it is supposed to block. It then prevents the identified content from buy email database being displayed. Some differentiate between acceptable advertisements and others. The former are whitelisted for display to users who have chosen to allow Acceptable Ads. However, many of them make no distinction between acceptable advertisements and intrusive advertisements, and put them all in the same boat. Blocking advertising on visited sites also prevents content providers from collecting data. Indeed, ad blockers often include a function for disabling web analytics.

What impact do ad blockers have on web analytics? The loss of data caused is estimated between 8% and 25% depending on the buy email database web analytics tool used and the type of site considered. These include quantitative indicators on traffic: duration of visits, page views, conversions and bounce rate in particular. Some ad blockers, resolutely focused on confidentiality, integrate blocking functionalities of analytical tools. However, most do not prevent data collection by default: the user can choose to buy email database enable this option if desired. On the other hand, mobile ad blockers block web analytics by default. Mobile ad blockers automatically prevent communication with domains deemed to be related to advertising. The vast majority of them, by default, block web analytics tools on mobile applications, unlike websites.
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