Where They Live and How Much They Earn

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Where They Live and How Much They Earn

Post by rajia9472@ »

We have to go further and know their likes and preferences, for example, if they like video games or not, where they like to travel, what type of restaurants you go to and/or where you shop. RECONNECT : This phase provides your audiences with relevant and powerful messages at the necessary moments, since "there are many points of contact on the way before converting", Álvaro Matilla qualifies. 96% of users leave the web without converting. 49% of users visit 2-4 pages before converting. 70% abandon the shopping cart without completing the transaction. So we need to show compelling, personalized ads at the moments that matter. For example, “20% discount on your next purchase”. EXPAND : This phase consists of expanding your reach to new and relevant users with whom you have never connected.

I eat? Looking for common behavior patterns. SIMILAR AUDIENCES TO ATTRACT NEW USERS: User visits your website and is added to a RLSA list (user list). User searches Google before or after being added Egypt Phone Number List to your RLSA list. Google users with similar search behavior who are not on your RLSA list will be added to a list of similar users. WHO DO WE WANT TO REACH? In this phase of the funnel we have two types of users: users who have never visited us and those who already know us but have never bought from us. What's new in Google Ads The system, according to Matilla, tries to find common patterns in people who have not visited us. In this way, in users who have never visited us, we will be interested in the expand phase.


On the other hand, in those who have visited but have not converted, they need a capture message. Therefore, depending on where the users are in the funnel, we will act in one way or another. ATTRIBUTION : Driven by mobile, user behavior is changing. 79% of users use their smartphones for research. 60% of the ads consumers identified as influencing a purchase were viewed on a mobile device. 75% of adults start an activity on one device, but continue or finish it on another. Therefore, Álvaro Matilla considers it essential to enable conversion tracking, that is, to understand if your page visitors are completing the actions you want them to take. In fact ask yourself: Have you ever booked a vacation in a single session, on a single device? Surely the answer was no, since the reservation process is likely to be much more complicated.
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