Thin Content - How to Find It and How to Deal with It?

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Thin Content - How to Find It and How to Deal with It?

Post by mehedieco7 »

Did you know that the content of websites and the content that is on your website is one of the main ranking factors? Unique and well-optimized descriptions of categories, subpages or products, as well as substantive expert articles on the blog are a definite basis on the way to achieving high positions in search results, and thus relative success in business. Thin Content is a term we come across quite often in content marketing. Understanding its meaning, not only in terms of theory, but also in practice, is an extremely important issue that has a large impact on positioning. Read my guide and learn what thin content is and how to analyze content to find it. In order to properly illustrate the importance of thin content in content marketing, I will start with the basics.

People who have been associated with internet marketing for a long time, after reading the above headline, are certainly aware of the seriousness of the situation. For those UK Phone Number List who don't quite know what it's all about, I've prepared a little journey in time. On February 23, 2011, the Panda algorithm was officially introduced. Initially, it acted as a filter and was not part of the main algorithm. The inclusion in the main algorithm took place 5 years later, in January 2016. An algorithm with a rather friendly and nice name has made quite a stir in the world of internet marketing. Its main goal was to fight spam and dishonest positioning techniques. Sites that at that time shunned unethical forms of content publishing were appreciated by robots, which resulted in increased visibility of these sites in search results, while low-quality pages that did not meet Google's criteria were largely penalized.


Penalties were imposed on such websites in extreme cases, which resulted in the removal of the website from the Google index. From the moment of the existence of this algorithm, the shared content should be fully unique and valuable in terms of content, constituting a specific value for the recipient. In the initial period, Panda updates were introduced on average every month. Since 2013, they run in conjunction with changes to the main algorithm, which makes it much harder to link them specifically to Panda. This is low-quality content published within the site. This may be content with numerous substantive, linguistic and syntax errors, not conveying any specific value, as well as duplicate content and content automatically generated using synonyms. A very common mistake is also hiding content on websites (Cloaking) - although the text is then invisible to the user, the search engine robots can see it perfectly - which is inconsistent with the Google search engine guidelines and may negatively affect the positioning of the website and lower its value in the ranking.
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