Use Country Email List An Ssl Certificate For Https Encryption

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Use Country Email List An Ssl Certificate For Https Encryption

Post by sanjoykumar »

The mystery was further widened, when Google's Matt Cutts announced that in relation to search engine positioning, slow mobile sites would also be penalized even more. It is clear that Google is increasingly acting on what is intuitively obvious: A poorly performing website leads to a poor user experience, and sites with a country email list poor user experience deserve less prominence in search results. How does Google act exactly? And how does this affect search engine positioning? Warning Although Google decided not to elaborate on what particular aspect of page speed can impact search engine positioning, it was pretty clear in stating that content relevance is still a key factor. In other words, while we can demonstrate a correlation (or lack thereof) between particular speed metrics and search country email list engine positioning, we can never prove a causal relationship because other unmeasurable factors still come into play.

Yet, on a broad scale, we can hypothesize that any uncovered correlation has a “likely influence” on search engine positioning and is therefore worth considering. Methodology To begin our research, we created a list of 2000 random search queries based on a recent ranking factor study. We have country email list selected a representative sample of requests. Some contain only one search term, such as “TvHd”, others up to five, such as “shops outlet mall in paris”. We then pulled the top 50 search result URLs for each query to assemble a list of 100,000 total pages to evaluate. Next, we launched 30 “small” Amazon EC2 instances running in a cloud in Northern Virginia, USA, each loaded with an identical private instance of the open source WebPageTest tool . This tool uses the country email list same versions of web browsers commonly used by consumers to collect over 40 different performance metrics regarding the loading of a web page. We selected Chrome for our test and ran each tested page with an empty cache to ensure consistent results. website load time What is the real impact of the speed of a website on the ranking in Google? The results Although we captured over 40 different page country email list metrics for each URL examined, most did not show a significant influence on search engine positioning.

This was widely expected, since (for example) the number of connections a web browser uses to load a page probably shouldn't affect search ranking position. For the sake of brevity, in this section we will simply highlight the particularly notable results. Page load time. When people say "page load time" for a website, they're usually referring to one of two metrics: "full document time" or "full render time." Think of “document full time” as the time it takes for a page to load before you country email list can start clicking or entering data. All the content may not be there yet, but you can interact with the page. Think of “full render time” as the time it takes to download and display all of the images, ads, and analytics indices.
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