Remember that the final decision on something

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[email protected]
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Remember that the final decision on something

Post by [email protected] »

In fact, only after having consolidated at least 50 conversations with different clients is it possible to request - through the BSP - WhatsApp verification along with the green check. world map background WhatsApp business and verify logo WhatsApp business Requirements to verify WhatsApp Business Before starting the steps to verify

WhatsApp Business, you must meet the following requirementsHave a commercial South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Email List website: You must provide both the URL of the site and all the information about the products and services it offers in a clear and detailed manner so that both the WhatsApp company and potential clients and customers know what your business is about.


company. Phone number: You must have a business phone number previously linked to a WhatsApp account. Facebook Business Messenger ID: fundamental step that we already described previously. as important as verifying your WhatsApp Business account rests with the WhatsApp organization, even if you have met all of these requirements.
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