by Targeting the Products That Email Database People Most Often Buy With Yours, for Example,

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by Targeting the Products That Email Database People Most Often Buy With Yours, for Example,

Post by mudhen248 »

you can drive more sales and generate a higher return on ad spend (ROAS). 4. Item Comparison and Alternate Purchase Behavior What is Item Comparison and Alternate Purchase Behavior? Item Comparison and Alternate Purchase Behavior reveals the top three products shoppers compared and purchased — instead of yours. The report also shares how often your product email database gets compared to those top three products. Amazon Brand Analytics: Item Comparison reportWhat data does Item Comparison and Alternate Purchase Behavior share? The following data, for a given period and product, is available in Amazon Brand Analytics’ Item Comparison and Alternate Purchase Behavior report: Compared ASIN: The ASIN of the compared product. Compared product title: The title of the email database compared product. Compared percentage: The percentage of times that product got compared to yours. Purchased ASIN: The ASIN of the product purchased over yours.

Purchased product title: The title of the product purchased over yours. Purchased email database percentage: The percentage of times that product got purchased over yours. How can I use Item Comparison and Alternate Purchase Behavior? Take a look at the Item Comparison and Alternate Purchase Behavior and use it to: Find competing products Build ad campaigns email database to target competitor products Improve your product listing descriptions to counter competitor unique selling points (USPs) Item Comparison and Alternate Purchase Behavior is one of the most insightful reports available in Amazon Brand Analytics. Use its data to go after competitors with email database both search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC).

If you need help, we’ve helped our clients manage more than 11 million transactions and email database generate more than $2 billion in revenue — and that’s just in the past five years. Check out our Amazon SEO and Amazon PPC services to see what we can do. 5. Demographics What is Demographics? The Demographics report in Amazon Brand Analytics helps your business understand who purchases your products by sharing demographic data, like age, gender, education, marital status, and household income.Amazon Brand Analytics: DemographicsWhat data does Demographics share? Within the Demographics report, you can view the email database following data for a given period: Age: The age range of your customers, like 18-24.
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