interview you can talk about something

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interview you can talk about something

Post by jabink123bd »

Join the emotional state of the interlocutor, but clearly define the boundaries. If he is positive, active and cheerful, do not let him get too carried away in his delight, but do not let him go into negativity either. If the interlocutor is upset, at the beginning of the abstract for a couple of minutes. Phlegmatic heroes need to be carefully encouraged.

Before the interview begins, study your hero: his profiles on social networks, interests, main professional achievements, publications, the website of his project, and so on - any information UK Phone Number that is publicly available.

During the conversation, give examples from the interlocutor’s practice - show that you are on topic, demonstrate your interest in the person and his project.


An example of sincere involvement in a conversation during an interview with Anastasia Borovitskaya
An example of sincere involvement in a conversation during an interview with Anastasia Borovitskaya

When you meet in person, invite your interlocutor to choose a meeting place - this will make him feel most comfortable; unless, of course, the topic of the interview involves an excursion to production or the need to film the process of creating a product.

Yulia Shpakova, advertising and PR specialist
Yulia Shpakova, advertising and PR specialist

It may take a lot of studying to master the art of interviewing. Or perhaps you just need to be sincerely interested in the topic that you plan to ask your interlocutor about and, if possible, study the issue that you plan to cover in as much detail as possible.
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