When you are a candidate

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When you are a candidate

Post by amina21 »

A teacher wants to test the knowledge of his students. He prepares a multiple choice question on his computer prints it photocopies it staples it and finally corrects the copies. This takes time with in addition a risk of error. Otherwise he can use a dedicated tool on which he will write the questionnaire once. Then he sends it directly to his students on their computer or smartphone. As a bonus the answers are processed by the software which automatically corrects them.

The time savings on timeconsuming tasks are enormous Recruitment software is a bit like the same tool transposed for recruiters. For example by typing your job offer Norway Phone Number once you can broadcast it in a few seconds on your companys career page and several job sites of your choice . No more need to type your ad by hand on several sites Focus on your job If we choose to move towards Human Resources it is to interact with the human being their personality and their skills in the company. Not for typing job offers or filling out an Excel spreadsheet for hours a day. At a time when human issues are decisive human resources should be fully mobilized to their core business.


The new generation expects different things from the company. And it is the recruiter who has the delicate task of knowing how to recruit and integrate these profiles. While ensuring that the companys image shines both internally and externally. The stakes are high and must mobilize all the skills of the recruiter. Streamline the recruitercandidate relationship Save time responding to candidates you are offended when you receive no response after applying to a company. Besides at We Recruit we always ask our candidates what they hate most in a recruitment process. And the answer that comes up most often is not being kept informed by the company after applying.
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