You can target Køb e-mail-database og opbyg e-mail-liste hurtigt exactly where and when your Local

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You can target Køb e-mail-database og opbyg e-mail-liste hurtigt exactly where and when your Local

Post by setlotoat »

Services ad displays Google LSAs offer specific targeting options Køb e-mail-database og opbyg e-mail-liste hurtigt that ensure you’re only showing your ad where and when you want to show. When you set up your profile, you’ll be able to choose the exact cities or ZIP codes where you provide services. Your ad will only show for users located in or searching for service in those locations. You can update your profile at any time to add or remove cites or ZIP codes. A unique feature of LSAs is that you’re not required Køb e-mail-database og opbyg e-mail-liste hurtigt to list all the service areas that you serve. For example, if there is a particular area where business has been slow, you could run LSAs only in that area to promote sales there.

Google also allows you to pause your ad whenever you want. You might choose to Køb e-mail-database og opbyg e-mail-liste hurtigt pause it if your team is overwhelmed with leads and cannot take on more, or if your business is temporarily closed for any reason. You can pause it for however long you’d like — from just a few hours to several weeks or months. One of the great features of LSAs, and what sets them apart from most digital advertising, is that when your ad is paused, your listing is still eligible Køb e-mail-database og opbyg e-mail-liste hurtigt to show. It will appear below the paid ads, and you will never be charged for any leads it drives while it’s paused.

LSAs provide cost-per-lead transparency With many marketing Køb e-mail-database og opbyg e-mail-liste hurtigt channels, it can be difficult or even impossible before you begin your campaign to determine how much money you’ll need to spend to get a positive return on your investment. Fortunately, that’s not a problem with Local Services ads. Before you begin running your LSA, during the budget setup process, Google will provide you with the cost-per-lead (CPL) you can expect. This CPL is not a generic guess—it is specific to your industry and geographic location. You can then choose to set your budget based either on a dollar amount or desired Køb e-mail-database og opbyg e-mail-liste hurtigt number of leads per week. Google allows you to increase or decrease your budget at any time.
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